Yamada-kun to Nananin no Majo Wiki

Use Your Brain. is the 20th chapter of Yamada-kun to Nananin no Majo.


Shiraishi’s friends are in the bathroom, complaining about Odagiri, stating that they’ve completed what Odagiri had asked them to, which was to list the names of the aces in the grade. Odagiri thanks them, to which the three are very happy. However, since it’s too late, she throws out the list. Ushio comes in and tells her the good news that Shiraishi did not attend the mocks. Ushio complains about why Odagiri kissed Yamada and use Yamada instead of him. Odagiri replies that kissing him allowed her to reduce Miyamura’s underlings. She comments how Yamada is “slow”, since he should be in love with her right now, but he hasn’t been looking for her. They decide to wait for Yamada during lunch break.

Yamada is nowhere to be seen during the lunch break, and Odagiri worries that her magic didn’t work on Yamada. Ushio suggest to Odagiri that they wait a little longer, but she can’t wait anymore. Since just now, Odagiri had been thinking about Yamada for so much, and goes off looking for him. She finds him with Shiraishi at the Old Building. Ushio tagged along with him, and explains that it’s because he loves her. The two witness Yamada and Shiraishi kissing. As Ushio smirks at their relationship, Odagiri stares blankly at the two kissers and walks off. Ushio grabs Odagiri’s shoulders, and reveals Odagiri crying. Odagiri has begun to like Yamada, so she’s been struck by her own magic.

Shiraishi explains further on what she meant by to never kiss Odagiri again. The captivation ability is an ability from Odagiri Nene. It’s evident from Ushio’s actions towards her. Yamada asks her how Odagiri’s ability get into his. Shiraishi reveals that her powers is duplication, and not swapping. Yamada got his swapping power after he kissed Shiraishi. Shiraishi’s ability is swapping, so Yamada had been copying and using her ability the whole time. As Yamada still tries to swallow it in, Ushio kicks fiercely from his side. Ushio’s enraged, and demands Yamada to tells him what he had done to Odagiri.



